About me
There are stories that lay in waiting in nature. Tales that wait for a human heart that shows a crack of remembrance. A recollection of the unity, perhaps a reminiscence of the holism that lies in a deep slumber within us.
Brief instances when the lighting becomes so iridescent, so luminous, that a plain scene is set alight and glows gloriously for all to see. I see it as my job to capture and deliver these moments. To bring a homecoming of the soul, so to speak, of love, of healing and of hope. A soothing and calm view to enter into a glorious meditative union.
Nature has always played a great role in my life. While growing up in very close proximity to the ocean my parents instilled in us a great reverence for the beauty and majesty of the natural world that surrounds us. My dad gave me my first camera at age six, just before the start on our four – year long journey. While circumnavigating the world on our 29ft sailing yacht he showed me how to look for those brief moments when sunlight is slightly filtered and yields soft, luminous tones on subject matter. My mom continued an accurate and well-illustrated journal and from her I learnt a deep love of drawing, colour and form. I began to see the world in paint. As a small girl before even knowing the term complimentary colours, I would sit in the rocking boat and pair up and marry my green and red pastels. I would makeup long winded imaginary tales of the red princess who would marry the green knight
I attended the jack Mayer School of art in Paarl in grade 11 and 12. Painters such as William Turner, Rembrandt, Degas, Monet, and Vermeer fascinated me.
After completing a degree in photography and working in numerous fields, I realised that my heart was yearning to pick up a brush and dip it in some paint once again.
So in 2022 I took the plunge and resumed the magical journey that I left more than 20 years ago in an art school in Paarl.
I have no formal training other than the 2 years of afternoon art school. All my skills come from looking and absorbing images, paintings, pictures and while gazing at these, imagining how I would render these in paint. It brings me great joy to imagine and complete the process. My hope is that this joy is shared with all who view my work.